Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Introduction to storage systems:

DAS, NAS and SAN differ mainly in where they interface with the network.

There are currently three basic concepts for addressing storage:
1.Direct Attached Storage (DAS),
2.Network Attached Storage (NAS),
3.Storage Area Networks (SAN).

For each definition read the following article.

BIBLE for selecting a Storage-System NAS OR ISCI href="http://www.open-e.com/site_media/download/documents/Open-E-white-paper-EN-web.pdf


  1. Hello Ashwin, This is a great place you have created for the people to understand technology in-depth across multiple IT platforms. Really Appreciate your immense effort. Seems few of the pdf links kept here are no longer at the desired locations, could you place/paste them here again. That would be a great help for the new comers. Thank you very much...

  2. Hi,

    Thanks a lot for the kind words. I really appreciata it.
    This one is a very old blog and I haven't touched base with blogging for some time on this site. I found the missing pdf and have managed to fixe the pdf link, I hope this helps. However, there is plenty updated information now available on storage since then, which you can refer to in Google search or going directly to slideshare.net

    Kind regards,
