Oracle Host : []
Oracle DB: [Standalone, Enterprise Edition Release]
Mounted on NetApp FlexVol via NFS - mount point on linux: /mnt/ontap-nfs
NetApp SnapCenter Server: [ : Port 8146]
Windows 2012R2
snapcenter-plugin-oracle & netapp-snapcenter-plugin-unix
How to install the plug-in:
You can use either SnapCenter Server GUI to push the plug-in or use the manual local installation on the Linux host (I prefer this method). I always had issues when pushing any sort of agent from Windows to Linux, and I found there is no need to break your head and waste your time, just go for local installation, it always works.
Please note : For Oracle environment hosted on NFS (Like in this demo) or an in-guest iSCSI initiator, you don't need to install 'Plug-in for VMware vSphere', all you need is just :netapp-snapcenter-plugin-oracle & netapp-snapcenter-plugin-unix, they get installed together.
For local installation of plug-in, follow these steps:
1. Go to this location on the SnapCenter server: [Windows]
C:\ProgramData\NetApp\SnapCenter\Package Repository
2. Copy this file to the Linux host.
3. Once it is available on the Linux host, simply run this command:
./SnapCenter_linux_host_plugin.bin –i swing
(Make sure you make the file 'executable' after copying it over to Linux, you can use chmod 755)
This will bring up the installation wizard as shown below.
Note: I always find this interesting on 'linux' based system (Redhat/Centos): Whenever NetApp products such as SnapDrive for UNIX or SnapCenter complains that the 'Host OS' is not supported, all you have to do is just fool the Software by changing the redhat-release text in this file [/etc/redhat-release] to whatever is supported by their Software. When I installed SnapDrive it complained that the OS is not supported (as it was the latest Centos 7 build), so I altered the text in the /etc/redhat-release file to redhat 5.5, and it worked. When I tried to install the plug-in on Linux Host for Oracle DB, it again said not supported (due to older version) so I changed it back to the original latest version, and it worked again. Well, you have this liberty to do these tricks on a 'test' setup, but on a Production environment you would rather make sure its compatible, and when in doubt, always reach out to NetApp Support.
How does SnapCenter server interacts with 'Oracle' DB running on linux host?
Interaction happens via two components:
1) SnapCenter Server [Windows] = SMCore service
2) SnapCenter Plug-in loader [Linux ] = SPL (SnapCenter plug-in loader)
SMCore (Port 8145) = coordinates with the Linux Plug-In (managed by the SnapCenter plug-in loader (SPL)) to perform Oracle database workflows.
SPL = Runs on the Oracle database Host that loads and runs the Oracle plug-in. SMCore coordinates with SPL to perform Oracle data protection workflows like quiesce/unquiesce, backup, RMAN catalog, mount, restore, and clone.
You can verify the status of SPL on linux:
[oracle@redhat ~]$ service spl status
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status spl.service
● spl.service - SnapCenter Plugin Loader
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/spl.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2018-10-23 11:08:14 BST; 2h 18min ago
Process: 754 ExecStart=/opt/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/bin/spld start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
As part of the Oracle Backup requirement:
Put the oracle DB in archive Mode [Otherwise Backup will fail]
SQL> connect as sysdba
Enter user-name: sysdba
Enter password:
SQL> shutdown immediate
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup mount exclusive
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 1996488704 bytes
Fixed Size 8622336 bytes
Variable Size 587206400 bytes
Database Buffers 1392508928 bytes
Redo Buffers 8151040 bytes
Database mounted.
SQL> alter database archivelog;
Database altered.
SQL> alter database open;
Database altered.
SQL> archive log start;
Statement processed.
SQL> archive log list;
Database log mode Archive Mode
Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination /mnt/ontap-nfs/u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/dbs/arch
Oldest online log sequence 3
Next log sequence to archive 5
Current log sequence 5
SQL> exit
Next, make a connection to the SnapCenter Server and discover the local Oracle Database:
[oracle@redhat bin]$ ./sccli Open-SmConnection
INFO: A connection session will be opened with SnapCenter 'https://TEST.LAB.COM:8146/'.
Enter the SnapCenter user name: lab\administrator
Enter the SnapCenter password:
INFO: A connection session with the SnapCenter was established successfully.
[oracle@redhat bin]$ ./sccli Get-SmResources
INFO: Using localhost '' as default host for discovering resources.
| Name | Version | Id | Type | Overall Status |
| orcl | |\orcl | Oracle Single Instance | |
INFO: The command 'Get-SmResources' executed successfully.
[oracle@redhat bin]$./sccli Configure-SmOracleDatabase -AppObjectId <appObject Id> -DatabaseRunAsName <user>
Once this is done, go back to the SnapCenter Server GUI [Windows] : You will see the plugins installed successfully.
Just follow 'Backup' workflow instructions to create a Protection Policy and configure other parameters such as snapshot naming, scheduling, etc etc, just do what it says. There is plenty of help inside the tool to help you figure out. Finally, click 'Back now'.
If the job is successful, you can view the 'Oracle' snapshots on the NetApp SVM:
Open SystemManager GUI: Navigate to SVM, Volume and then view snapshots, and you should see two snapshots there :
1. Data
2. Log
There are more options on the panel which I haven't tested yet, will give it a try in coming days.
That's it for now!! For more info read: 4.1 Documentation