Friday, 8 September 2017

SanpMirror for Migrating volumes from 7-mode to clustered Data ONTAP

FILE  =  Use transition snapmirror to migrate a NAS (NFS/SMB) volume from 7-mode to clustered Data ONTAP 8.2.x.

BLOCK =  Use transition snapmirror to migrate a SAN volume containing LUNs from 7-Mode to clustered data ONTAP starting with version 8.3onwards

Step-by-step guide:

  • Identify 7-mode Volume for migration.

  • Create a DP Volume [Data Protection] on the cDOT's SVM of the same size or more.

  • Create transition peering between 7-mode Filer AND SVM

ontap8::> vserver peer transition create -local-vserver VSERVER_CIFS -src-filer-name
Transition peering created

  • Enable snapmirror access to cDOT:

ontap82> options snapmirror.enable
snapmirror.enable            on
ontap82> options snapmirror.access
snapmirror.access            *
ontap82> ping is alive

  • Create Inter-cluster LIF for data migration:

ontap8::> network interface create -vserver ontap8 -lif ontap8-03_icl03 -role intercluster -home-node ontap8-03 -home-port e0c -address -netmask

  • Setup snapmirror relationship:

ontap8::> snapmirror create -source-path -destination-path VSERVER_CIFS:vol_ISCSI_NEW -type TDP
Operation succeeded: snapmirror create for the relationship with destination "VSERVER_CIFS:vol_ISCSI_NEW".

  • Start the baseline:

ontap8::> snapmirror initialize -destination-path VSERVER_CIFS:vol_ISCSI_NEW
Operation is queued: snapmirror initialize of destination "VSERVER_CIFS:vol_ISCSI_NEW"

  • Once the cut-over is done, break the snapmirror:

ontap8::> snapmirror break -destination-path VSERVER_CIFS:vol_ISCSI_NEW
Operation succeeded: snapmirror break for destination "VSERVER_CIFS:vol_ISCSI_NEW"

  • Finally: Turn the LUN online and present it back to the Host, data should be intact. This assumes there is only filesystem on top of LUN, with no application. For application such as SQL,exch, etc, please use the front end tool - such as Snapmanager or the tool that comes with the application to move the application to new LUNs once the snapmirror is done.

This procedure applies to both NAS/SAN data.