SnapMirror-2-Tape for LOW bandwidth
SMTape is a high performance disaster recovery solution from Data ONTAP that backs up blocks of data to tape. It is Snapshot copy-based backup to tape feature. This feature is available only in the Data ONTAP 8.0 7-Mode or later releases.You can use SMTape to perform volume backups to tapes. However, you cannot perform a backup at the qtree or subtree level. Also, you can perform only a level-0 backup and not incremental backups.
When you perform an SMTape backup, you can EITHER specify the name of the Snapshot copy to be backed up to tape. When you specify a Snapshot copy for the backup, all the Snapshot copies older than the specified Snapshot copy are also backed up to tape. If do not specify any snapshot, smtape creates a base snapshot copy to be used later for tape seeding.
What tape seeding is ?
Tape seeding is an SMTape functionality that helps you intialize the destination storage system in a volume SnapMirror relationship.Test it out on - Ontap SIMULATOR
Simulator provides simulated tape devices which can be used to simulate smtape feature.
filerA>sysconfig -t
filerA>storage stats tape
This will list the test tape drives bundled with ontap.
You can perform an SMTape backup and restore using NDMP-compliant backup applications or using the Data ONTAP 8.0 7-Mode smtape backup and smtape restore CLI commands.
1. snapmirror 2 tape:
2. Restore to volume (seeding back > destination volume)
3. Resume incremental snapmirror update to destination volume
Note: In this demo, I have used both snapmirror souce & destination volumes on the same filer but the logic remains same.